BONUS VIDEO: How to Walk with a Cane - The Right Way

This is great info in case you ever need to use a cane in the future, or in case you already use one now.

**One of THE MOST COMMON things I see people doing is using their cane wrong!

Not only can it actually give you more problems than why you were using it in the first place, the body is more relaxed and at ease when used properly.

In order to spare you from any future difficulties, I thought this topic deserved a quick explanation on how to use your cane might even be able to help someone else one day, so pass on this great info!

Congratulations on completing the whole course! But the work isn't over!

Regularly return to the strengthening exercise videos Part 1 and 2 and fill out your Progress Tracker to monitor your repetitions.

>> Your ultimate goal is to complete 10 (or more) repetitions of each exercise, 2-3 times per if you're not at that level yet, start with 2-3 days a week, and work up from there.

You can do it! You'll notice how when you're consistent, very quickly you'll see your body's strength and balance improve and notice a difference in your daily activity.

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